
Itachi Uchiha is standing in a dark room, wearing a black suit and a red tie. He has his hands folded in front of him, and his head is slightly bowed. His eyes are closed, and he has a pensive expression on his face. The background is dark, with only a few details visible. There are two paintings on the wall behind him, and a dark red curtain on the left side of the image. Itachi is illuminated by a single light source, which is coming from the right side of the image. This light is creating a dramatic effect, and it is highlighting Itachi's face and his clothing. The overall tone of the image is dark and mysterious, and it is clear that Itachi is in a serious mood.,nodf_lora
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Itachi Uchiha is standing in a dark room, wearing a black suit and a red tie. He has his hands folded in front of him, and his head is slightly bowed. His eyes are closed, and he has a pensive expression on his face. The background is dark, with only a few details visible. There are two paintings on the wall behind him, and a dark red curtain on the left side of the image. Itachi is illuminated by a single light source, which is coming from the right side of the image. This light is creating a dramatic effect, and it is highlighting Itachi's face and his clothing. The overall tone of the image is dark and mysterious, and it is clear that Itachi is in a serious mood.,nodf_lora

Negative Prompt

((asian)), bad hands, multiple fingers, (3d, render, cgi, doll, painting, fake, cartoon, 3d modeling:1.4), (worst quality, low quality:1.4), monochrome, child, deformed, malformed, deformed face, bad teeth, bad hands, bad fingers, bad eyes, long body, blurry, duplicated, cloned, duplicate body parts, disfigured, extra limbs, fused fingers, extra fingers, twisted, distorted, malformed hands, mutated hands and missing limbs, bad anatomy, bad proportions, logo, watermark, text, copyright, signature, lowres, mutated, mutilated, artifacts, gross, ugly, depth of field, gaussian blur,nsfw


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