The recollection of Ilse Bartels Part1 As a member of the Bund Deutscher Mädel, I was assigned to serve as an auxiliary medic just before the end of the war. It was probably not an official order. I worked with a little knowledge and was present at the deaths of many wounded.

(8k), (highest quality:1.1), (best quality:1.1), (masterpiece:1.1), (ultra-detailed), perfect anatomy, correct anatomy, perfect proportion, perfect face, perfect hands, perfect legs, perfect fingers, BREAK (1girl), (cute germany girl:1.2), (blonde hair:1.2), (neck chignon:1.5), (center parted hair:1.5), blue eyes, (skinny), thin lips, forehead, BREAK (white collared shirt:1.4), BREAK (green and brown camouflage jacket:1.3), (red cross on white armband:1.2), (cotton fabric), gray tie, (no badge), (long military trousers:1.3), military boots, looking at sky, holding military bag, BREAK (1940s:1.3), (The world war 2:1.3), (germany:1.5), (german soldiers in background:1.5), devastated european city, cloudy sky, strong light coming in, cinematic lighting, (destroyed old buildings:1.3), 1900s buildings, valkyrie style

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