Certainly! Here's a detailed prompt for an AI image generator:

Title: Modern Gothic Mansion

Generate an image of a modern mansion inspired by Gothic architecture, blending luxurious contemporary elements with traditional Gothic features. The mansion should exude opulence and grandeur while maintaining a sleek, minimalist aesthetic. Focus on incorporating the following key elements:

1. Architecture: The mansion should feature high arches, pointed arch windows, and intricate stone detailing reminiscent of Gothic cathedrals. However, these elements should be interpreted in a modern context, with clean lines and geometric precision.

2. Monochrome Stained Glass Window: A prominent feature of the mansion should be a large stained glass window in a monochrome color scheme. The design of the stained glass should be intricate yet contemporary, perhaps featuring abstract geometric patterns or stylized representations of nature.

3. Symmetry and Balance: The exterior of the mansion should emphasize symmetry and balance, with a centrally located main entry flanked by identical wings or towers on either side. Pay attention to the proportions and scale of the various architectural elements to achieve visual harmony.

4. Luxurious Details: Incorporate luxurious materials such as polished marble, sleek metal accents, and floor-to-ceiling glass panels to add a modern touch to the Gothic-inspired design. Consider adding elements like a fountain in the courtyard, ornate wrought iron gates, or sculptural garden features to enhance the sense of extravagance.

5. Lighting: Pay special attention to lighting to create dramatic effects and highlight the architectural features of the mansion. Utilize soft exterior lighting to illuminate the façade and accentuate the contours of the building, while also ensuring that the stained glass window casts a captivating glow both day and night.

Please ensure that the final image captures the essence of a modern Gothic mansion, striking a balance between historical inspiration and contemporary sophistication.

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