Living Room

hotel lounge, double volumn ceiling morning, fresh colour, light grey and matt bronze colour scheme, ribbed glass pendant light, ground floor, oak wood veneer wall panel, big brush zen style acrylic painting piece, blue pottery, booklet and leaflet, book, bread, wabisabi plants, full height shelves in bronze steel inlay detail, (best quality, masterpiece, high_resolution:1.5),Ultra-realistic 8k, hd image quality, sharp detail, texture painted, full height glass facade, (modern minimalist), (big oak timber shelve), main materials oak wooden and white wall, recessed light cove plaster ceiling accents, , wood shelves in wall with liquor shop product, (hay), (modern minimalist style), (roads, cars), NYC city (Geometric style), (bauhaus), located in a central business district, modern style, shimmering sky, morning light, ((low contrast)), ((Warm light from indoor:1.3)), (daylight:1.2), perfect lighting, dynamic light, Wonder of Art and Beauty, Korean Style, interior, archminimalist, md, minimalist, Indoor Grey, Modernism, Style, Interior. Wool Rug. light grey fabric armchair.

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