space girl

masterpiece:1.4, masterpiece,best quality,1girl,

 (portrait shot):100,(lower body):100,

 one girl in ((20yr old)), instagrammer pose,idol girl, (astrovest):2,(white shiny downves):5,(white puffer vest):5,(black long sleeves):2,black belt ,smartwatch,huge breast,wears a tight futuristic latex silver and black and white bodysuit,(white boots),astrovest

beautiful face ,smile,japanese girl,dark brown
hair,huge-breasted, long hair, Perfect model body, Blue eyes:1.4, headphone, Flirting, Happy, Looking 

out the window of the futuristic sci-fi space station,While admiring the beautiful galaxy:1.2, SF control room on night background:1.1, Neon and energetic atmosphere:1.2 ((Galaxy)) ,((Solo:1.6)),futuristic space station background,inside space craft,Futuristic room,neotech,

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