(1 girl, Asian girl, Taiwanese girl:1.5), 25 years old, looking outside, (simple dark clothing), smooth skin, unique personality, light makeup, beautiful, confidence, eagle-eyed, staylish, charming, dashing, flighty, perfect proportions, perfect perspective, cinematic lighting, film photography, ((portrait, headshot, close-up)), subtropical environment, historical old temple background, scenery, buildings, taiditional, historical, heritage, multiple temples, court, atrium, Taiwanese temple, Hokkien architecture, (orange tiled roof, upward curve ridge roof, wooden structure), stone base, red brick wall, trees, blue sky

(1 girl, Asian girl, Taiwanese girl:1.5), 25 years old, looking outside, (simple dark clothing), smooth skin, unique personality, light makeup, beautiful, confidence, eagle-eyed, staylish, charming, dashing, flighty, perfect proportions, perfect perspective, cinematic lighting, film photography, ((portrait, headshot, close-up)), subtropical environment, historical old temple background, scenery, buildings, taiditional, historical, heritage, multiple temples, court, atrium, Taiwanese temple, Hokkien architecture, (orange tiled roof, upward curve ridge roof, wooden structure), stone base, red brick wall, trees, blue sky

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