A detailed, hyper-realistic and cinematic portrait of Wonder Woman in a modern setting. The focus is on her face, which is rendered with incredible detail and clarity. The portrait is engulfed in flames, creating a dramatic and visually stunning effect. The flames are rendered with incredible realism, with flickering light and wisps of smoke. The lighting is dramatic and chiaroscuro, with strong contrasts between light and shadow. The colors are vibrant and saturated, with a mix of dark and bright tones. The overall effect is both awe-inspiring and captivating.

A detailed, hyper-realistic and cinematic portrait of Wonder Woman in a modern setting. The focus is on her face, which is rendered with incredible detail and clarity. The portrait is engulfed in flames, creating a dramatic and visually stunning effect. The flames are rendered with incredible realism, with flickering light and wisps of smoke. The lighting is dramatic and chiaroscuro, with strong contrasts between light and shadow. The colors are vibrant and saturated, with a mix of dark and bright tones. The overall effect is both awe-inspiring and captivating.



A detailed, hyper-realistic and cinematic portrait of Wonder Woman in a modern setting. The focus is on her face, which is rendered with incredible detail and clarity. The portrait is engulfed in flames, creating a dramatic and visually stunning effect. The flames are rendered with incredible realism, with flickering light and wisps of smoke. The lighting is dramatic and chiaroscuro, with strong contrasts between light and shadow. The colors are vibrant and saturated, with a mix of dark and bright tones. The overall effect is both awe-inspiring and captivating.


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