Without wanting to leave a cozy place

A captivating realistic RAW photo featuring a sci-fi black woman. She's dressed in a tight, futuristic suit with a vibrant silver hue, reminiscent of the 1990s sci-fi aesthetics. Her head is adorned with a space helmet from that era, complete with a retro-futuristic design. Surround her with an anime-inspired world of fantastic surrealism. Picture a post-apocalyptic landscape, where surreal and cute elements blend seamlessly. In the background, showcase winter alien planet landscapes that are both enchanting and surreal, with vibrant colors and unique flora. This underwater helm should have a futuristic, almost biomechanical design. Render the entire scene as a stunning realistic photo, blending elements of surrealism, geomorphology. Incorporate bio-robotic art and biomechanical sculptures in the environment. The girl should be the central focus, her gaze turned toward the camera with perfect, detailed eyes. Place her against a vivid winter background, creating a beautiful and eye-catching contrast. This complex yet visually captivating illustration should merge elements of 3D vector art and the artistic style of Greg Rutkowski, resulting in a highly detailed and imaginative composition that captivates the viewer's imagination, shot with Hasselblad X1D-50c, ISO 100, f/5.6, soft source light

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