Madara, orange-haired anime boy from the world of Demon Slayer, stands in the midst of a blazing inferno. He is wearing a vibrant yellow jacket and stylish black pants, completing his eye-catching outfit. With his intensively detailed face, Zenitsu's closed eyes radiate a sense of tranquility. In his hand, he tightly grips a sleek katana, ready to unleash his lightning-fast attacks. The atmosphere is filled with a vivid orange color palette, enhancing the intensity

orange-haired anime boy from the world of Demon Slayer, stands in the midst of a blazing inferno. He is wearing a vibrant yellow jacket and stylish black pants, completing his eye-catching outfit. With his intensively detailed face, Zenitsu's closed eyes radiate a sense of tranquility. In his hand, he tightly grips a sleek katana, ready to unleash his lightning-fast attacks. The atmosphere is filled with a vivid orange color palette, enhancing the intensity

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