A young witch gracefully soaring through a mystical forest on her enchanted broomstick, wearing a flowing black cloak, pointed hat, and holding a sparkling wand, surrounded by colorful autumn leaves and whimsical creatures, the forest filled with vibrant shades of green, orange, and purple, a full moon shining brightly overhead, emphasizing the witch’s silhouette against the moonlit sky, in a style similar to classic fairytale illustrations

A young witch gracefully soaring through a mystical forest on her enchanted broomstick, wearing a flowing black cloak, pointed hat, and holding a sparkling wand, surrounded by colorful autumn leaves and whimsical creatures, the forest filled with vibrant shades of green, orange, and purple, a full moon shining brightly overhead, emphasizing the witch’s silhouette against the moonlit sky, in a style similar to classic fairytale illustrations
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A young witch gracefully soaring through a mystical forest on her enchanted broomstick, wearing a flowing black cloak, pointed hat, and holding a sparkling wand, surrounded by colorful autumn leaves and whimsical creatures, the forest filled with vibrant shades of green, orange, and purple, a full moon shining brightly overhead, emphasizing the witch’s silhouette against the moonlit sky, in a style similar to classic fairytale illustrations

Negative Prompt

Extra limbs ,extra fingers, deformed body, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, deformed fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, out of focus, censorship, tentacle hair,


DPM++ 3M SDE Karras



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