hyper realistic beautiful white haired girl with red ribbon in hair, black dress with white accents, tiny and flowing, epic swirling white hair around her with a giant flourescent orb coming out of her hand, plasmatic in origin, other orbs floating around her | #EtherealFinish #MysticalAmbiance #TextureRefinement" highly realistic, realistic portrait, anatomically correct, realistic photograph, real colors, award winning photo, detailed face, realistic eyes, beautiful, sharp focus, high resolution, volumetric lighting, incredibly detailed, masterpiece, breathtaking, exquisite, great attention to skin and eyes, Detailedface,dragonbaby,Nature,Landscape,PhotoReal,Photography,Raw photo

hyper realistic beautiful white haired girl with red ribbon in hair, black dress with white accents, tiny and flowing, epic swirling white hair around her with a giant flourescent orb coming out of her hand, plasmatic in origin, other orbs floating around her | #EtherealFinish #MysticalAmbiance #TextureRefinement" highly realistic, realistic portrait, anatomically correct, realistic photograph, real colors, award winning photo, detailed face, realistic eyes, beautiful, sharp focus, high resolution, volumetric lighting, incredibly detailed, masterpiece, breathtaking, exquisite, great attention to skin and eyes, Detailedface,dragonbaby,Nature,Landscape,PhotoReal,Photography,Raw photo

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