Bubble Glass XL - v2

ultra Transparent whale, monumental glass sculpture fashioned in the shape of a majestic whale, its translucent form shimmering under the light. Within its belly lies a mesmerizing scene—an entire ocean encapsulated in glass. Schools of fish dart among delicate coral reefs, while graceful sea turtles glide effortlessly through crystal-clear waters. Sunlight filters through the surface, casting enchanting patterns of light and shadow onto the ocean floor. Every detail, from the curl of a wave to the intricate texture of the seabed, is meticulously captured within this breathtaking work of art, inviting viewers to marvel at the wonders of the underwater world.",bubbleGL,underwatera glass ball sitting on top of a moss covered rock, stuning fantasy 3d render, under outer world Forrest, 4k photograph, photoreal details, mirror dripping droplet, prehistoric fantasy, props containing trees in bubble