a profile headshot concept of an anthro armored dragon, (solo), (((anthro silver dragon))), Bahamut style dragon in Iron Man Armor, ((small blue arc reactor)), ((silver wings)), metal wings, armored wings, (metal dragon head), mouth open, charging energy, Iron Man,dragon,leviathandef, no humans,white dragon,mecha dragon,dragonmaidsheou,Chinese dragon,zinogre,Warframe

a profile headshot concept of an anthro armored dragon, (solo), (((anthro silver dragon))), Bahamut style dragon in Iron Man Armor, ((small blue arc reactor)), ((silver wings)), metal wings, armored wings, (metal dragon head), mouth open, charging energy,  Iron Man,dragon,leviathandef, no humans,white dragon,mecha dragon,dragonmaidsheou,Chinese dragon,zinogre,Warframe

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