Mega Mecha girls

((best quality)), ((master part)), (altamente detalhado:1.3), ..3d,RFKTR_Tecnotrex, linda mulher cyberpunk com cabelos volumosos um terminal de computador,Servidores de computador, Telas LCD, fibre optic cables, logotipos corporativos,HDR (high dynamic range),ray tracing,NVIDIA RTX,Super-Resolution,irreal 5,Subsurface scattering,PBR Texturing,Post-processing,anisotropic filtering,Profundidade de campo,Maximum clarity and sharpness,Texturas multicamadas,Mapas de Albedo e Especular,surface shading,Accurate simulation of light-material interaction,perfectly proportions,octan render,Two-tone lighting,ISO baixo,White balance,rule of thirds,wide aperature,8K BRUTO,Subpixel eficiente,sub-pixel convolution,luminescent particles,espalhamento de luz,Tyndall effect RFKTR_Tecnotrex, Desligado_Robot, Robotcheck description, Reelmech, mechanical suit, ((corpo brilhante)), (corpo muito brilhante), clear parts, jewelries, Ornamento, gorgeous, luxuoso, fabuloso, small LED lights spread throughout the body, small LED lighting shines

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