Old Pirate Ship background, very bright colors with neon borders, multicolored, thick lines, neon, night, sea background, furious line, fierce, magical, cinematic sense, neon border, HD, detailed light, cinematic, high detail , 4k, cyberpunk, 3D rendering, 32k, hyper detailed, magical and epic, epic light, the most perfect and beautiful image ever created, image taken with Sony A7SIII camera, many details, 8k speed effect, Phi Phenomenon (Marcos Wertheimer) , cyborg style

Old Pirate Ship background, very bright colors with neon borders, multicolored, thick lines, neon, night, sea background, furious line, fierce, magical, cinematic sense, neon border, HD, detailed light, cinematic, high detail , 4k, cyberpunk, 3D rendering, 32k, hyper detailed, magical and epic, epic light, the most perfect and beautiful image ever created, image taken with Sony A7SIII camera, many details, 8k speed effect, Phi Phenomenon (Marcos Wertheimer) , cyborg style

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