Remix test

best quality, masterpiece, beautiful and aesthetic, 16K, (HDR:1.4), high contrast, bokeh:1.2, lens flare, (vibrant color:1.4), (muted colors, dim colors, soothing tones:0), cinematic lighting, ambient lighting, sidelighting, Exquisite details and textures, cinematic shot, Warm tone, (Bright and intense:1.2), wide shot, by playai, ultra realistic illustration, siena natural ratio, anime style, 	head to toe,	very long curly hair, (pink|blue hair:1.5), 	(expressionless:1.2),	Light green	bracelet, black One-piece dress with tiny gold lines,	a beautiful Arabian model,	blue eyes,	a small earrings, 	Artwork by h. r. giger and beksinski, pastel colored watercolor style, 4k splash art with vivid tones and intricate background detail, gekiga, perfect focal sharpness, sharp and uniform colored elements, homogenous theme, atmospheric, coherent arbitration, (oil paint | ceramic) finish, pyrrhic and harsh lighting, crisp edges, deep shadows.,3va

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