art by J.C. Leyendecker, {{front facing}}}, symmetrical, {{{facing the viewer}}}, {{{facing towards the camera}}}, {{{full_body}}}, high quality, 8K, a masterpiece, stunning beauty, hyper-realistic, vibrant colors, a beautiful xenomorph girl, smooth skin, white flowing hair, dark chiaroscuro lighting, dim lighting, plain background, a telephoto shot, 1000mm lens, f2,8, ,digital artwork by Beksinski, beautiful girl with horns, {{leather bra}}}, Gopn1k, DonMD4rk3lv3sXL, Gric

art by J.C. Leyendecker, {{front facing}}}, symmetrical, {{{facing the viewer}}}, {{{facing towards the camera}}}, {{{full_body}}}, high quality, 8K, a masterpiece, stunning beauty, hyper-realistic, vibrant colors, a beautiful xenomorph girl, smooth skin, white flowing hair, dark chiaroscuro lighting, dim lighting, plain background, a telephoto shot, 1000mm lens, f2,8, ,digital artwork by Beksinski, beautiful girl with horns, {{leather bra}}}, Gopn1k, DonMD4rk3lv3sXL, Gric

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