D&D Characters

Generate a detailed image of Umbra Dominante based on the following description:

Umbra Dominante materializes as a looming, spectral figure, draped in ethereal shadows that seem to be in constant motion. Its form is reminiscent of a colossal, winged entity, with the shadowy appendages unfurling behind it in a sinister display. The creature's presence is an embodiment of darkness, instilling a chilling aura that freezes the very air around it.

The Dominator's eyes burn with a haunting, otherworldly light, casting an ominous gaze upon anyone who dares to stand before it. The eyes emanate a subtle, shifting glow, giving the impression of an ancient intelligence lurking within the shadowy depths. 

Umbra Dominante's wings stretch wide, their feathery tendrils composed of living shadow, each movement accompanied by a haunting whisper. As it moves, the creature casts an ever-expanding umbral cloak, rendering the surrounding area in a deep penumbra that distorts the perception of reality.

The entity's limbs are elongated and sinuous, terminating in claws that seem to cut through the darkness itself. The surface of its shadowy form is adorned with intricate, arcane symbols that pulse with eldritch energy. A phantom crown hovers above its head, an ephemeral symbol of dominion over the realms of shadow.

Umbra Dominante moves with a silent, ghostly grace, leaving trails of shadow in its wake. The air is permeated with an oppressive stillness as the creature advances, accompanied by a haunting symphony of whispers that echo through the dimly lit void it creates.

Capture Umbra Dominante as a spectral monarch of shadows, utilizing a color palette that emphasizes deep blacks, subtle purples, and eerie blues to evoke an atmosphere of ethereal darkness and mysterious authority.,Exe,horror (theme),

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