Devise an imaginative yet believable fantasy scene wherein a tall, lithesome, raven-haired maiden named Elara finds herself standing regally amidst verdant foliage, bathed in ethereal moonlight filtering through towering trees overhead. Her elegant, floor-length silver gown flows softly around her slender form, complemented by a delicate circlet nestled amongst lustrous curls framing her porcelain complexion. She holds an iridescent crystal orb pulsating gently with mystical energy, tendrils of magic weaving around her fingertips as she channels potent forces contained therein. Illustrate a mesmerizing array of luminescent flora and fauna native to this enchanted realm, flourishing beneath the watchful gaze of ancient guardians carved from living stone. Engulf the entire tableau in mesmerizing, auroral hues, conjuring an extraordinary dreamscape begging exploration.

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