AiArtV - Itachi Uchiha

(best quality,4k,8k,highres,masterpiece:1.2),ultra-detailed,(realistic,photorealistic,photo-realistic:1.37),portrait,Itachi Uchiha,red eyes and bloodshot eyes,dark, brooding expression,black hair,headband with a leaf village symbol,pale complexion,sharingan eye,Infinite Tsukuyomi background,samurai armor,akatsuki cloak,uchiwa fan,mysterious aura,nighttime scene,vengeful and determined look,cold and calculating demeanour,subtle smoke and shadows,powerful and intense gaze,twisting and swirling black flames,moonlit sky,eye-catching contrast of light and darkness,sharp and defined facial features,piercing gaze,faint smirk,blood splatters on the face,ominous and menacing atmosphere,exquisite detailing,meticulously rendered textures,subtle variations of light and shadow,impressive artistry,realistically portrayed emotions,vivid and saturated colors,dramatic and dynamic composition,hint of magical energy,background filled with dark clouds and lightning,attention to minute details,skilled use of light and reflection,depth and dimensionality to the image,impressive rendering of Itachi's attire and accessories,perfect replication of Itachi's unique appearance,convincing portrayal of his strong personality.

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