Anime-style close-up illustration of a young oni girl at a Japanese shrine during the night. She is gently removing a Hannya mask from her face, revealing a warm smile. In the palm of her hand, a unique blue onibi (demon fire) shaped like a human face is floating, adding an eerie yet captivating glow. The girl has oni horns, a choker, and is dressed in a traditional red and white miko (shrine maiden) outfit. The background should subtly depict elements of a night-time Japanese shrine, enhancing the mystical and serene atmosphere of the scene.

Anime-style close-up illustration of a young oni girl at a Japanese shrine during the night. She is gently removing a Hannya mask from her face, revealing a warm smile. In the palm of her hand, a unique blue onibi (demon fire) shaped like a human face is floating, adding an eerie yet captivating glow. The girl has oni horns, a choker, and is dressed in a traditional red and white miko (shrine maiden) outfit. The background should subtly depict elements of a night-time Japanese shrine, enhancing the mystical and serene atmosphere of the scene.

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