Accidentally funny ;-)

Create an image of a captivating anthropomorphic hybrid, blending the allure of a woman with the mystique of a snake. This unique creature embodies the seamless fusion of human and serpentine traits. Her body is adorned with lustrous scales that shimmer across her skin, reflecting an iridescent array of colors under the light. The texture of her skin is wet and slimy, suggesting her amphibious nature and adding to her otherworldly allure. Her face, while bearing the beauty and structure of a human woman, is distinguished by a pair of piercing eyes that hint at her predatory instincts. From between her slightly parted lips extends a long, forked snake tongue, tasting the air with a serpentine grace. This striking being is a vision of both elegance and danger, embodying the enigmatic qualities of her dual heritage. BREAK She wears a poncho adorned with Aztec embroidery. Low angle. Masterpiece,  64k,  UDR,  highly detailed., ,Masterpiece

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