
Generate an ultra-realistic high-definition image of a marble statue portraying Prosperina in the act of running away. Infuse the statue with a high level of artistic details, capturing the dynamic and lifelike qualities of the moment. Pay meticulous attention to the texture of the marble, ensuring it conveys a sense of realism and artistic finesse.

Envision Prosperina's form in intricate detail, capturing the flowing drapery and the graceful movement of her figure as she runs. Emphasize the realism in her facial expression, conveying the emotions associated with the act of running away.

Consider the composition of the statue, ensuring that it portrays Prosperina's movement with a sense of dynamism and elegance. Pay attention to the nuances of her posture, hair, and any accessories that may enhance the overall aesthetic.

Optimize the lighting conditions to accentuate the contours of the marble and create a visually stunning interplay of light and shadow. Aim for a level of realism that evokes the beauty and classical elegance often associated with marble statues.

The goal is to generate an ultra-realistic HD image that captures the essence of Prosperina in the midst of her movement, with a high degree of artistic detail that elevates the statue to a visually compelling and timeless piece of art.

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