Generate an illustration with the theme of an "Oni Bride," blending traditional Japanese folklore with a modern twist. Envision a powerful, yet captivating female Oni character adorned in a wedding gown, merging the strength of mythical demons with the elegance of a bride. Integrate symbolic elements like horns, a fierce expression, and perhaps a veil, showcasing the juxtaposition of ferocity and beauty. Create an atmosphere that combines the allure of a wedding ceremony with the mystique and strength associated with the mythical Oni, resulting in a visually striking and culturally rich artwork.,<lora:659095807385103906:1.0>

Generate an illustration with the theme of an "Oni Bride," blending traditional Japanese folklore with a modern twist. Envision a powerful, yet captivating female Oni character adorned in a wedding gown, merging the strength of mythical demons with the elegance of a bride. Integrate symbolic elements like horns, a fierce expression, and perhaps a veil, showcasing the juxtaposition of ferocity and beauty. Create an atmosphere that combines the allure of a wedding ceremony with the mystique and strength associated with the mythical Oni, resulting in a visually striking and culturally rich artwork.,<lora:659095807385103906:1.0>

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