Concept costume - Sheet

The concept character sheet of a strong,  attractive,  and hot office lady wearing a business suit. Her face is oval,  forehead is smooth and visibly rounded at the temples. jawline is softly defined,  giving her a gentle and feminine appearance,  ((Masterpiece,  Highest quality)),  8k,  Detailed face (short hair faded,  undercut hairstyle) (multicoloured hair) (green eyes),  light blue hair,  Multiple sexy poses. tattoos,  glasses,  short black skirt,  white shirt,  pantyhose,  stocking,  Infographic drawing. Multiple sexy poses. tattoos,  (glasses),  short black skirt,  white shirt,  pantyhose,  stocking,<lora:EMS-61309-EMS:0.800000>,<lora:EMS-73426-EMS:0.800000>