Cute girl eating ice cream

A delightful illustration capturing the innocence of a child relishing an ice cream cone in a park, influenced by the digital artistry of Hayao Miyazaki. The gentle strokes of the digital brush bring out the child's joy against a backdrop of serene nature. Soft natural lighting enhances the emotional connection, with a touch of cool color temperature conveying a tranquil mood,

300 DPI, HD, 8K, Best Perspective, Best Lighting, Best Composition, Good Posture, High Resolution, High Quality, 4K Render, Highly Denoised, Clear distinction between object and body parts, Masterpiece, Beautiful face, 
Beautiful body, smooth skin, glistening skin, highly detailed background, highly detailed clothes, 
highly detailed face, beautiful eyes, beautiful lips, cute, beautiful scenery, gorgeous, beautiful clothes, best lighting, cinematic , great colors, great lighting, masterpiece, Good body posture, proper posture, correct hands, 
correct fingers, right number of fingers, clear image, face expression should be good, clear face expression, correct face , correct face expression, better hand position, realistic hand position, realistic leg position, no leg deformed, 
perfect posture of legs, beautiful legs, perfectly shaped leg, leg position is perfect ,

,best quality,schoolkid oras,park slide

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