A portrait of a handsome man in slick collared red armored trenchcoat ,descending from the sky like an angel , have a pair of black colored wings , wearing a red fedora, neck-length wavy hair , 25 years old of age ,beard , white background with purple paint splash, serious face expression, red eyes , wearing a thin black turtleneck , red hair,The Dark Huntsman ,black steel cane , halberd on the back , blend, bright eyes , purple splash fire , black boots , black gloves , torso shot , purple glowing halo ,wings ,weapon , black steel pauldron and gauntlet on the left hand , action pose , lightsaber , bokeh , motion_lines , motion_blur,

A portrait of a handsome man in slick collared red armored trenchcoat ,descending from the sky like an angel , have a pair of black colored wings , wearing a red fedora, neck-length wavy hair , 25 years old of age ,beard  , white background with purple paint splash, serious face expression, red eyes , wearing a thin black turtleneck , red hair,The Dark Huntsman ,black steel cane , halberd on the back , blend, bright eyes , purple splash fire , black boots , black gloves , torso shot , purple glowing halo  ,wings ,weapon , black steel pauldron and gauntlet on the left hand , action pose , lightsaber , bokeh , motion_lines , motion_blur,

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