Masterpiece, (poster design) best quality, clean picture (simple style) black hair, big wavy long hair, no extra lines, one-shoulder satchel (concise painting style) 8k HD picture quality, girl, light gray blouse, white gray long skirt, white flower background, only upper body, bust (simple line) poster design, big background small potatoes, remote perspective, 1girl,moyou ,Detailedface,r1ge,Fashion cheongsam,blue_IDphoto

Masterpiece, (poster design) best quality, clean picture (simple style) black hair, big wavy long hair, no extra lines, one-shoulder satchel (concise painting style) 8k HD picture quality, girl, light gray blouse, white gray long skirt, white flower background, only upper body, bust (simple line) poster design, big background small potatoes, remote perspective, 1girl,moyou
,Detailedface,r1ge,Fashion cheongsam,blue_IDphoto

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