ultra Realistic, Dewdrops on green ginkgo leaves hanging on thin branches, Transparent ginkgo leaves, A tree frog struggling on a thin ginkgo tree branch, Tree frog hanging on a thin ginkgo tree branch, A tree frog struggling with its forepaws hanging on a thin ginkgo tree branch,Transparent ginkgo leaves, Realistically Expressing tree frog,Sparkling Sunshine, One transparent ginkgo leaves symbolizes breathtaking beauty, Centered in Perfect Composition, Complex Details Showing Unique and Enchanting Elements, Very Detailed Digital Painting, Golden Ratio, Dramatic Lighting, Very Realistic,

ultra Realistic, Dewdrops on green ginkgo leaves hanging on thin branches, Transparent ginkgo leaves, A tree frog struggling on a thin ginkgo tree branch, Tree frog hanging on a thin ginkgo tree branch, A tree frog struggling with its forepaws hanging on a thin ginkgo tree branch,Transparent ginkgo leaves, Realistically Expressing tree frog,Sparkling Sunshine, One transparent ginkgo leaves symbolizes breathtaking beauty, Centered in Perfect Composition, Complex Details Showing Unique and Enchanting Elements, Very Detailed Digital Painting, Golden Ratio, Dramatic Lighting, Very Realistic,

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