epic fantasy masterpiece, work of art, oil painting, elegant brush strokes, intense and vibrant colors, chromatic aberration, masterful representation of the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game, gold and red steel Dragon, the sun at dawn rising on the horizon with amber and crimson tones, beautiful volumetric lighting, bokeh, intricate, epic light, sharp focus, UHD, 8K,xxmixgirl,more detail XL,oil paint,oil painting

epic fantasy masterpiece, work of art, oil painting, elegant brush strokes, intense and vibrant colors, chromatic aberration, masterful representation of the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game, gold and red steel Dragon, the sun at dawn rising on the horizon with amber and crimson tones, beautiful volumetric lighting, bokeh, intricate, epic light, sharp focus, UHD, 8K,xxmixgirl,more detail XL,oil paint,oil painting

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