Design a character named Nova Ember, an intergalactic explorer with a mysterious past and unique abilities. Nova Ember travels through the cosmos in a sleek spaceship, discovering new worlds and encountering strange creatures. She possesses the power to harness and control cosmic energy, manifesting it in various forms for both offense and defense.

Consider the following aspects for the character design prompt:

1. **Physical Appearance:**
   - Nova Ember is a humanoid with distinct features that hint at her otherworldly origins.
   - What kind of clothing or spacesuit does she wear for intergalactic travel? Consider practicality and style.
   - Does she have any visible markings, tattoos, or symbols that reflect her cosmic abilities or past experiences?

2. **Personality Traits:**
   - Is Nova Ember adventurous, cautious, or a mix of both?
   - How does she interact with other beings she encounters during her travels?
   - Does she carry any emotional baggage from her mysterious past, and how does it influence her actions?
5. **Companions/Associates:**
   - Does Nova Ember travel alone, or does she have companions or allies aboard her spaceship?
   - If she has associates, what roles do they play, and how do they complement her skills and personality?

6. **Spaceship Design:**
   - Describe Nova Ember's spaceship. Is it sleek and modern, or does it have a more retro-futuristic aesthetic?
   - Are there any special features or technologies integrated into the spaceship to aid in exploration?

Feel free to add any additional details that you find interesting or relevant to the character of Nova Ember. Use this prompt as a starting point to create a visually striking and compelling character for an intergalactic adventure setting.

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