wearing golden slipper sandals, high quality, highly detailed, Imagine a dreamlike portrait of a fantastical woman, merging the cosmic colors inspired by Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night with the surreal celestial precision reminiscent of Salvador Dalí, In this celestial dance, celestial bodies mirror Turner's atmospheric touch, blurring the boundary between reality and fantasy, Stepping into the foreground is an enchanting figure, embodying the whimsical essence of Hieronymus Bosch's beings and the organic grace found in Alphonse Mucha's art nouveau lines, Infusing an otherworldly aura, elements inspired by H.R. Giger's biomechanical aesthetic seamlessly integrate, creating a mesmerizing synthesis of fantasy and realism, by yukisakura, high detailed,Masterpiece,photorealistic

wearing golden slipper sandals, high quality, highly detailed, Imagine a dreamlike portrait of a fantastical woman, merging the cosmic colors inspired by Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night with the surreal celestial precision reminiscent of Salvador Dalí, In this celestial dance, celestial bodies mirror Turner's atmospheric touch, blurring the boundary between reality and fantasy, Stepping into the foreground is an enchanting figure, embodying the whimsical essence of Hieronymus Bosch's beings and the organic grace found in Alphonse Mucha's art nouveau lines, Infusing an otherworldly aura, elements inspired by H.R. Giger's biomechanical aesthetic seamlessly integrate, creating a mesmerizing synthesis of fantasy and realism, by yukisakura, high detailed,Masterpiece,photorealistic

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