A realistic image of a fiery dragon. full_body, The dragon stands tall against a backdrop of roaring flames and lava, vibrant scales, outstretched wings, symbolizes rebirth and strength. Its piercing eyes lock with the viewer, The digital painting technique used brings out intricate details, allowing the fiery feathers to shimmer and the flames to dance with an ethereal glow. The lighting accentuates the warmth and intensity of the scene, casting dynamic shadows and highlighting the dragon's features. The image is finely detailed, offering an ultra-resolution experience that immerses viewers in the mesmerizing world of fire and mythical creatures, fire element, composed of fire elements

A realistic image of a fiery dragon. full_body, The dragon stands tall against a backdrop of roaring flames and lava, vibrant scales, outstretched wings, symbolizes rebirth and strength. Its piercing eyes lock with the viewer, The digital painting technique used brings out intricate details, allowing the fiery feathers to shimmer and the flames to dance with an ethereal glow. The lighting accentuates the warmth and intensity of the scene, casting dynamic shadows and highlighting the dragon's features. The image is finely detailed, offering an ultra-resolution experience that immerses viewers in the mesmerizing world of fire and mythical creatures, fire element, composed of fire elements

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