\He was the last survivor of his squad, and he knew it. He had seen them fall one by one, torn apart by the monstrous creatures that had invaded the city. He had no idea where they came from, or what they wanted, but he knew they had to be stopped. He clutched his rifle, the only thing that gave him a fighting chance against the horrors. He had modified it himself, adding a scope, a silencer, and a grenade launcher. He had also loaded it with armor-piercing bullets, the only kind that could penetrate the thick hide of the beasts.

He scanned the streets, looking for a sign of movement. He had taken refuge in a ruined building, hoping to find some supplies and a safe place to rest. But he knew he couldn't stay there for long. The monsters were everywhere, and they could smell his blood. He had to keep moving, keep fighting, keep looking for a way out. He had a mission, and he was not going to give up on it. He was a model, a role model for humanity. He had to show them that they could resist, that they could survive, that they could win.

He heard a roar, and he turned around. A huge creature, bigger than a truck, was charging at him. It had four legs, a long tail, and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. It looked like a cross between a lion and a crocodile, but with scales instead of fur. It was one of the alpha predators, the leaders of the pack. It had probably sensed his presence, and decided to make him its prey. He had no time to waste. He aimed his rifle, and fired. The bullet hit the monster in the eye, making it stagger. He fired again, and again, until the clip was empty. The creature roared in pain, but it did not fall. It was wounded, but not dead. It was angry, and it wanted revenge.

He quickly reloaded his rifle, and switched to the grenade launcher. He had only one shot left, and he had to make it count. He waited for the right moment, when the monster was close enough, but not too close. He pulled the trigger, and launched the grenade. It flew through the air, and landed right under the creature's belly. It exploded, sending shrapnel and fire everywhere. The monster screamed, and collapsed. It was dead, for good.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and checked his ammo. He had only a few bullets left, and no more grenades. He had to find more, or he was doomed. He looked around, and saw a sign. It said "Military Base". It was his only hope. He ran towards it, hoping to find some weapons, some allies, some salvation. He did not know what awaited him there, but he was ready for anything. He was a model, a model of courage, of strength, of determination. He was a model, and he was not afraid.

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