In a serene and vibrant scene, an anime girl with flowing blonde-white hair stands amidst the backdrop of a night sky illuminated by fireworks. She wears a semi-transparent loose white shirt that billows gently in the night breeze, paired effortlessly with sleek black jeans. Her open, loose hair dances freely around her face, framing her features in an untamed yet enchanting manner.

With both eyes closed, she stands in a moment of pure bliss, a serene smile gracing her lips, and a soft blush adorning her cheeks. The joy on her face is palpable, emanating from her closed eyes, as she revels in the symphony of colors painted across the sky.

The background, softly blurred, accentuates the girl's serene expression. The fireworks create a breathtaking display, filling the night sky with bursts of vibrant hues. The focus remains solely on the girl, capturing the essence of her contentment amidst the lively celebration.

This simple yet captivating portrait encapsulates the sheer delight and tranquility of the moment, emphasizing the girl's serene happiness amidst the vibrant chaos of the fireworks-filled night.

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