
a high quality, ethereal, surreal and abstract image in HD and 8K resolution, incorporating the themes of time and alien beings. The image will be delicate and dreamlike, with intricate details that captivate the viewer's imagination. The ethereal elements will give the image an otherworldly feel, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. Within the image, alien beings will be depicted, adding a sense of mystery and intrigue. These beings can be depicted in various forms, such as humanoid figures with unique features, or more abstract and otherworldly shapes. The concept of time will be visually represented through the use of elements such as clocks, hourglasses, or swirling cosmic patterns that convey a sense of time's enigmatic nature. The image will have a high level of detail, allowing viewers to explore its complexities and discover new elements upon closer inspection. The overall aesthetic will be surreal and experimental, pushing the boundaries of traditional photography and embracing artistic freedom. The result will be a captivating and immersive experience that transports the viewer to a mesmerizing world beyond our own.,High detailed ,AIDA_NH_humans

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