The sign text"Happy New Year"/Full body,extreme top view,walk,detail face & perfect eyes,32K,into the camera,action camera,camera shake,chaos,cinematic light/Surreal Noir Odyssey:Embark on a surreal noir odyssey with non-existent images,featuring female characters in a midjourney-inspired noir setting.Alex Timmermans' collodion wet plate process adds a touch of mystery,capturing the subject's flowing red hair and captivating love eyes in a hyper-realistic fusion of surrealism,Text,popc,Tim Burton Style,movie poster

The sign text"Happy New Year"/Full body,extreme top view,walk,detail face & perfect eyes,32K,into the camera,action camera,camera shake,chaos,cinematic light/Surreal Noir Odyssey:Embark on a surreal noir odyssey with non-existent images,featuring female characters in a midjourney-inspired noir setting.Alex Timmermans' collodion wet plate process adds a touch of mystery,capturing the subject's flowing red hair and captivating love eyes in a hyper-realistic fusion of surrealism,Text,popc,Tim Burton Style,movie poster

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