AI Art Prompt: Potter's Harbor

Capture the eerie charm and mysterious allure of Potter's Harbor, a small and enigmatic coastal town nestled on a rocky island in the antiarctic Ocean. Embrace the juxtaposition of rugged landscapes and stoic architecture against the warm glow of street lamps warding off unseen threats.

Key Elements to Include:

Rocky Landscape: Illustrate the craggy terrain that defines Potter's Harbor, with moss-covered cliffs and wildflowers breaking through the harsh surface. Emphasize the sense of isolation and the haunting beauty of the natural surroundings.

Stone Residences: Depict the unique stone homes with slat roofs, iron doors, and windows that characterize the architecture of Potter's Harbor. Convey a sense of history and resilience reflected in the sturdy structures.

Street Lamps Aglow: Highlight the importance of Emberlyn Coalhaven's nightly ritual by portraying the warm glow of street lamps lining the cobbled streets. Capture the ambiance they create, both illuminating the paths and serving as a protective barrier against the Grimknockers.

Dancing Shadows: Introduce subtle, mysterious shadows that dance along the edges of the streets, hinting at the hidden secrets and supernatural elements that lurk beneath the surface of Potter's Harbor.

Moonlit Harbor: Extend the scene to include the harbor, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. Portray the quiet beauty of the waterfront, with small boats bobbing gently in the water and the silhouette of the island against the night sky.

Children's Home: Depict The Happy Bones Children's Home with its stone structure surrounded by a well-tended garden. Convey a sense of both care and secrecy associated with this place that holds the island's youth.

Emberlyn Coalhaven: Include a figure resembling Emberlyn Coalhaven, the determined werewolf with short strawberry blonde hair and ember eyes. Showcase her resilience and commitment as she engages in her roles as a corpse collector and lamp lighter.

Through your artistic interpretation, bring to life the unique atmosphere and narrative intricacies that define Potter's Harbor, leaving room for the imagination to explore the untold stories hidden within its enigmatic streets.

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