(masterpiece, best quality:1.4), (by Igor Morski, Jacek Yerka, Anne Bachelier), Immerse yourself in a surreal masterpiece, where a crystal ball reigns atop a heap of coins, a striking fusion of surrealism and biomechanics. This mesmerizing sci-fi concept art transcends the ordinary, its deep dream cosmic essence encapsulating a galaxy within the crystalline sphere. Drawing inspiration from the visionary worlds of Tolkien and Michael Komarck, this precisionist creation unfolds, revealing an open hand cradling a shining orb of biomechanical data. Beautiful singularities, intricately woven, pulsate within—a testament to the interconnected marvels of a digital biome. In this stunning work of digital art - N5, biomechanics and surrealism intertwine, inviting you into a realm where the organic and the cosmic dance in harmonious, transcendent beauty

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