a group of people sitting around a campfire, a stock photo by An Gyeon, trending on shutterstock, regionalism, movie still, stockphoto, stock photo, A gathering around a campfire captured through the lens of a vintage 50mm, reminiscent of a Shutterstock trend. Drawing inspiration from Ankyun's stock photos, the scene is infused with regional pride, resembling a cinematic still. Warm color temperature enhances facial expressions, and soft lighting adds a nostalgic atmosphere. --v 5 --stylize 1000

a group of people sitting around a campfire, a stock photo by An Gyeon, trending on shutterstock, regionalism, movie still, stockphoto, stock photo, A gathering around a campfire captured through the lens of a vintage 50mm, reminiscent of a Shutterstock trend. Drawing inspiration from Ankyun's stock photos, the scene is infused with regional pride, resembling a cinematic still. Warm color temperature enhances facial expressions, and soft lighting adds a nostalgic atmosphere. --v 5 --stylize 1000

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