Masterpiece in 4K, anime style fused with influences from Dragon Ball Z. | In an enchanted kingdom, Princess Peach, known for her elegance, transforms into a Super Saiyan. Her dress flutters with intense energy, golden hair radiates power, and blue eyes shine with determination. She floats in the air, surrounded by an aura of glowing energy as she releases powerful waves of ki. The Mushroom Kingdom setting is lit by sparks of energy, creating an epic scene of transformation. | Low angle composition, highlighting the majesty of the transformation. Light effects intensify the details of the scene, highlighting the vibrant colors of the transformation. | An empowered Princess Peach, becoming a Super Saiyan in an epic transformation scene. | She is adopting a ((dynamic pose as interactions, boldly leaning on a large structure in the scene, leaning back in a dynamic way, adding a unique touch to the scene):1.3), The camera angle is too close to her, ( (Full body image)), perfect hand, fingers, hand, perfect, better_hands, More Detail

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