A Jewish on the Cross., with a headscarf wrapped around their silver-white hair. Male figure, background of a sea of clouds, clouds shaped like a throne, Jesus with outstretched arms embracing a little lamb.full body,famale,zen style, still film, cold color, l vibrant and volumetric light (masterpiece, top quality, best quality, official art, beautiful and aesthetic: 1.2), extremely detailed, (abstract, fractal art: 1.3), colorful hair, more detailed, detailed_eyes, 18 year old famale face, 3others, five fingers, perfect hands, anatomically perfect body, (black eyes), (gray hair), very headscarf hair, long white plain dress, white shorts, dynamic angle, depth of field, hyper detailed, highly detailed, beautiful, small details, ultra detailed, best quality, 4k,((full body)), face to the sheep,ink scenery

A Jewish on the Cross., with a headscarf wrapped around their silver-white hair. Male figure, background of a sea of clouds, clouds shaped like a throne, Jesus with outstretched arms embracing a little lamb.full body,famale,zen style, still film, cold color, l vibrant and volumetric light (masterpiece, top quality, best quality, official art, beautiful and aesthetic: 1.2), extremely detailed, (abstract, fractal art: 1.3), colorful hair, more detailed, detailed_eyes, 18 year old famale face, 3others, five fingers, perfect hands, anatomically perfect body, (black eyes), (gray hair), very headscarf hair, long white plain dress, white shorts, dynamic angle, depth of field, hyper detailed, highly detailed, beautiful, small details, ultra detailed, best quality, 4k,((full body)), face to the sheep,ink scenery

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