SDXL female style pack

Full body view, ultra-detail HD / Behold the convergence of reality and fantasy in hyperrealistic art, featuring non-existent images of female characters mid-journey. Picture an enchanting figure with flowing copper hair, mesmerizing aquamarine eyes, and an unparalleled grace captured through Alex Timmermans' collodion wet plate process. Glitchy overlays, film grain, and HDR effects seamlessly intertwine to transport you to a dimension where dreams materialize.
,womb tattoo
SDXL female style pack
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Full body view, ultra-detail HD / Behold the convergence of reality and fantasy in hyperrealistic art, featuring non-existent images of female characters mid-journey. Picture an enchanting figure with flowing copper hair, mesmerizing aquamarine eyes, and an unparalleled grace captured through Alex Timmermans' collodion wet plate process. Glitchy overlays, film grain, and HDR effects seamlessly intertwine to transport you to a dimension where dreams materialize. ,womb tattoo

Negative Prompt

(low quality, worst quality:1.4), (bad anatomy), (inaccurate limb:1.2), bad composition, inaccurate eyes, extra digit, fewer digits, (extra arms:1.2) : (( bad-artist, bad-hands-3, bad-hands-5, bad-image, bad-image-v2-11000, bad_quality, bad_prompt_version2, text,logo,watermark,name artist,bad symmetry, )), , lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name,, lowres, bad anatomy,naked,nude,nsfw, ((naked, nsfw, bad anatomy, bad hands, hands, dirty, simple background, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, extra ears, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, dirt, drawing, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, out of focus, ugly, old, deformed, amateur, fat, morphing, lowres))


DPM++ 2M SDE Karras



CFG Scale




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