1boy, male focus, pale tattooed attractive pretty man with soft beautiful long white blond hair wearing black leather jacket and black shirt wearing necklace, neck tattoos, tattooed neck, face, selfie, dark, white blond hair, flash, people in background, at a fast food restaurant, diner, sitting in a diner booth, elbows on table, flipping off camera, middle finger, pov across table, booth seating, indoors, pov across table, looking at viewer, leaning on table, middle finger

1boy, male focus, pale tattooed attractive pretty man with soft beautiful long white blond hair wearing black leather jacket and black shirt wearing necklace, neck tattoos, tattooed neck, face, selfie, dark, white blond hair, flash, people in background, at a fast food restaurant, diner, sitting in a diner booth, elbows on table, flipping off camera, middle finger, pov across table, booth seating, indoors, pov across table, looking at viewer, leaning on table, middle finger

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