Dvd screengrab, from 1985 dark fantasy film, vintage style art, Shattered duality, broken reality, light and dark, good and evil, oil painting, Junji Ito, Salvador Dali, H. P Lovecraft, voidcore, foxpunk, hyper detail, most beautiful masterpiece, high detail, realsitic shadow

Dvd screengrab, from 1985 dark fantasy film, vintage style art, Shattered duality, broken reality, light and dark, good and evil, oil painting, Junji Ito, Salvador Dali, H. P Lovecraft, voidcore, foxpunk, hyper detail, most beautiful masterpiece, high detail, realsitic shadow



Dvd screengrab, from 1985 dark fantasy film, vintage style art, Shattered duality, broken reality, light and dark, good and evil, oil painting, Junji Ito, Salvador Dali, H. P Lovecraft, voidcore, foxpunk, hyper detail, most beautiful masterpiece, high detail, realsitic shadow

Negative Prompt

(low quality, worst quality:1.4), (bad anatomy), (inaccurate limb:1.2), bad composition, inaccurate eyes, extra digit, fewer digits, (extra arms:1.2) : (( bad-artist, bad-hands-3, bad-hands-5, bad-image, bad-image-v2-11000, bad_quality, bad_prompt_version2, text,logo,watermark,name artist,bad symmetry, )), , lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name,, lowres, bad anatomy,naked,nude,nsfw, ((naked, nsfw, bad anatomy, bad hands, hands, dirty, simple background, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, extra ears, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, dirt, drawing, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, out of focus, ugly, old, deformed, amateur, fat, morphing, lowres))


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