A mysterious, dark cave with a glowing, illuminated wall, perfect for writing stories and secrets.,High-res, impeccable composition, lifelike details, perfect proportions, stunning colors, captivating lighting, interesting subjects, creative angle, attractive background, well-timed moment, intentional focus, balanced editing, harmonious colors, contemporary aesthetics, handcrafted with precision, vivid emotions, joyful impact, exceptional quality, powerful message, in Raphael style, unreal engine 5,octane render,isometric,beautiful detailed eyes,super detailed face and eyes and clothes,grimdark

A mysterious, dark cave with a glowing, illuminated wall, perfect for writing stories and secrets.,High-res, impeccable composition, lifelike details, perfect proportions, stunning colors, captivating lighting, interesting subjects, creative angle, attractive background, well-timed moment, intentional focus, balanced editing, harmonious colors, contemporary aesthetics, handcrafted with precision, vivid emotions, joyful impact, exceptional quality, powerful message, in Raphael style, unreal engine 5,octane render,isometric,beautiful detailed eyes,super detailed face and eyes and clothes,grimdark

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