8k, masterpiece, best quality, mature female, 1girl, white background, solo, blue hair, laughing,perfecteyes, black_clothes, purple_eyes, facing_viewer,dimaria, v-shaped eyebrows, sleeveless_turtleneck, pointing_at_viewer, hand_on_hip, skinny_pants, long_hair, muscular,phlg,black hair, full_body, combat_boots, standing, straight-on

8k, masterpiece, best quality, mature female, 1girl, white background, solo, blue hair, laughing,perfecteyes, black_clothes,  purple_eyes, facing_viewer,dimaria, v-shaped eyebrows, sleeveless_turtleneck, pointing_at_viewer, hand_on_hip, skinny_pants, long_hair, muscular,phlg,black hair, full_body, combat_boots, standing, straight-on

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