#trickorten- Headless horseman driving a motorcycle down a wooded road on a moonlit night

1 headless horseman (((on a moped )))riding over a stream on a dark night.wearing leather jacket, cape flapping in the wind ,he is brandishing a machete,(((No head)))(((decapitated)))(((headless)))(((no helmet)))(((empty neck hole)))(((The motorcycle has the an iron horse head welded to the front, it's eyes serve as headlights)))(((Drippy, burnt asthetic))), ((gnarly spooky trees)), autumn leaves, (((green fog))), (((crescent moon))),(weird little mushroom monsters hiding behind trees in the background), drab autumn colors
(rider has no head, he is decapitated, he is headless),))),halloweentech,art by Stephen Gammell,fire that looks like...,HellAI,horror

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