Craft a mesmerizing anime girl with long, flowing hair cascading down her back like liquid sunshine. Her large, expressive cerulean eyes hold the secrets of a thousand worlds, with a faint hint of curiosity and wonder. She stands atop a moonlit cliff, her elegant gown billowing in the soft breeze, and one hand gracefully reaching out towards the starry night sky. In the backdrop, a celestial tapestry of constellations weaves a tale of timeless beauty, and a gentle glow from a distant crescent moon illuminates her delicate features. Capture this moment, where the mundane and the mystical converge, inviting viewers to lose themselves in her captivating aura.image should be 4k., phlg, black hair, pink highlight, no bra,phlg

Craft a mesmerizing anime girl with long, flowing hair cascading down her back like liquid sunshine. Her large, expressive cerulean eyes hold the secrets of a thousand worlds, with a faint hint of curiosity and wonder. She stands atop a moonlit cliff, her elegant gown billowing in the soft breeze, and one hand gracefully reaching out towards the starry night sky. In the backdrop, a celestial tapestry of constellations weaves a tale of timeless beauty, and a gentle glow from a distant crescent moon illuminates her delicate features. Capture this moment, where the mundane and the mystical converge, inviting viewers to lose themselves in her captivating aura.image should be 4k., phlg, black hair, pink highlight, no bra,phlg



Craft a mesmerizing anime girl with long, flowing hair cascading down her back like liquid sunshine. Her large, expressive cerulean eyes hold the secrets of a thousand worlds, with a faint hint of curiosity and wonder. She stands atop a moonlit cliff, her elegant gown billowing in the soft breeze, and one hand gracefully reaching out towards the starry night sky. In the backdrop, a celestial tapestry of constellations weaves a tale of timeless beauty, and a gentle glow from a distant crescent moon illuminates her delicate features. Capture this moment, where the mundane and the mystical converge, inviting viewers to lose themselves in her captivating aura.image should be 4k., phlg, black hair, pink highlight, no bra,phlg

Negative Prompt

easynegative,ng_deepnegative_v1_75t,(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),(normal quality:2),lowres,bad anatomy,bad hands,normal quality,((monochrome)),((grayscale)),((watermark)),


DPM++ 2M SDE Karras



CFG Scale




Clip Skip




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