First Try at NSFW Artwork (Futa Collection)

A fearless and battle-hardened female gladiator with steel-blue eyes and unwavering resolve, her bronzed and scarred complexion reveals the countless battles she’s faced. She maintains a stoic and determined expression, her intricate Roman-style helmet perched atop her head, while her practical hair is tied up. Her strong and athletic body is marked by muscular arms and legs, the result of rigorous training, and she bears tattoos symbolizing her many victories. Carrying a gladius sword, she strikes a confident and resolute stance, always ready for combat in the arena. Surrounded by sand underfoot, the arena’s backdrop includes a roaring crowd in the stands, adding to the anticipation. She wears leather armor for protection, consisting of a bronze breastplate with intricate engravings, a studded leather skirt for mobility, Roman sandals, and shin guards. In every aspect, she exudes the spirit of a fierce gladiator ready for the ancient battle. flaccid

detailed huge penis (flaccid, super detailed, realistic, detailed penile head , (only one), big size)), (penis dripping cum:1.4), testicles, (huge penis:1.5), feminine body, feminine arms, thin arms,

(Full body portait:1.5),

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